Friday, September 28, 2007

Attn: Shameless Self-Promotion Dept.

Well, I have many various and sundry and prickly and irritated things to say about the art and art events I've been privy to lately; however, I thought I'd apprise you all, my faithful Whinybabylanders, of recent doings. What kind of fake art journalist would I be if I didn't?

First, since Mark Flood and I will be opening at Devin Borden/Hiram Butler Gallery on Saturday, October 13 (Flood is in the main gallery), I decided that it would be a good thing to have my website updated a little bit. (Thank you, James Seaborn and Jason Herbst).

Second, and I don't know if anyone read of this or remembers it, but a while back I was asked to help find some art to show on the walls at the new location of
Jenni's Noodle House. I thought to myself, "Oh, this'll be easy. This will be a good opportunity for some under-exposed artist." So I sent out a huge call, and in two weeks, I got a ton of responses, but they were really the wrong kind of responses. I don't know how my emails trickled down to every painter of children and kittens and every photographer of lilies in bloom, but I found myself inundated. I eventually found the work of painter Sandra Skipwith, whose work I like a lot, and we finally put it up.

But my main question was: "What the fuck? Why can't I find some ambitious slacker to make cool graphic work and hang it proudly in the noodle house?" Oh, in my day, when we used to walk to art school through the snow, living on dried lint in our dimly-lit garrets, we would've been proud to hang our work in a heavily trafficked establishment! What is wrong with kids these days?

So, disgusted, I decided to put my own work in there. Dammit, if you want anything done right...

Well, we just installed a suite of six drawings in the noodle house today, and I like them a lot. So if you're out, ravenous for udon noodles, and near the corner of Shepherd and Alabama, check 'em out. They're fabulous! Another triumph!